Erectile DysfunctionS

Affects the lives of erectile dysfunction (ED) many middle-aged men and their partners. Points to cover the scope of the term erectile dysfunction disorder, but usually cannot retrieve erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity.
Erectile dysfunction, impotence, formerly known as men older than 65 is common, but it occurs years. Most episodes of the erectile dysfunction occur occasionally men and is normal.

As men age, changes occur in erectile function is normal. You need to achieve a more direct stimulus may not be rigid and may take time to develop erectile. Also the male orgasm as intense, may increase erection between, reduce recovery time of ejaculation. Signs of erectile dysfunction also require treatment physical or emotional problems.

Erectile dysfunction was taboo subject once more and more men are looking for help. Causes of erectile dysfunction doctor than what is gaining understanding often find the treatment better than new.

Erectile dysfunction and what?

Characterized by cannot maintain regardless of the capabilities of erectile dysfunction or impotence development or satisfactory sexual intercourse, and ejaculation penis erection, sexual dysfunction. Many medically reversible are various underlying causes is a diabetic.

The awkward nature was taboo in shame felt by the patient for the subject over many years, and in the subject of many urban legends. Long folk remedies, some widely advertise from the 1930s have been proposed. Perhaps causing the wave to the first pharmacologically effective remedies for impotence, sildenafil (trade name viagra), people's attention, 1990, part of the introduction of the age, articles about the heavy advertising promotion is news worthy.

Simple to insert into the Latin term impotentia coeundi, penis, vagina describes can not be relieved. Now replaced by much more accurate term.


You cannot maintain the erectile dysfunction erectile characteristics. These may be loss of erection is often shown cardiovascular underlying disease, origin during normal erections sleep, early in the morning, psychogenic cause we recommend. Diabetes (causing neuropathy) or sex glands by disease affecting the decrease in testosterone levels, testicles or pituitary) is what other leading to erectile dysfunction.

Here is the cause of ED.

Number 1:  Awakening: the first step is senses of sight, touch, hearing, smell and thoughts from the men, sexual excitement, it is.

Number 2: Communicates with the excitation of the nervous system of the body to activate the response of the nervous system: brain penis increased blood flow.

Number 3:  Blood vessel response: Relaxing action generates a penis, erection, the shaft more flow occurs in the blood vessels supplying the blood.

Erection of normal Physiology:

Includes the integration of complex physiological processes including central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, and hormones and vascular system penis erection. Cause abnormal has a significant impact to maintain erection, and develop features, including drug, illness, these systems, ejaculation, and orgasm. Nerves of the body, such as filling of erection, blood vessels, Cave and hormonal mechanisms rely on behavior at various levels of neural axis.

-Summary of the information involved route-related erectile function from the Anderson. Specifies the State of the degree of corpus cavernosal smooth muscle contraction, and penis. Balance of contraction and relaxation is controlled by factors related to many transmitters and transmitter systems Center and surrounding. At the level of mobile phone from smooth muscle relaxation acetylcholine release occurs after the parasympathetic nervous.

The pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction:

ED is basically a cardiovascular disease. Often associated with other cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and other criteria. Conditions associated with ED and other neurological disorders, endocrinopathies, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and depression. Change the balance of the factors associated with endothelial function reduces nerve and aging, hypertension, smoking, high blood cholesterol, diabetes and other conditions contraction and relaxation.


An alternative model in the patient's goal-oriented approach Tom Van, MD, is the recommended minimum test runs as. Rational patient and his partners and to carry out this project represent the configuration of the appropriate treatment options and doctor and of the work. sildenafil (viagra) and vardenafil (levitra) and tadalafil (cialis), i.e. the three phosphodiesterase-5 (partial differential equations - 5) inhibitors availability is completely the medical management of ED change. Many patients are no longer expected or understanding of the problem of long evaluation and its receive the testing process to obtain it, they may be involved in the doctor to discuss sexual relationship of the other party is less.

Natural alternative treatments such as herbal remedies some of ED also became famous. It is not for just the side effects and also there is 100% effective.


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